Welcome to this short guide on setting up the ConnectiCity-TrafficModel for the Unity project ConnectiCity-Unity. This repository is essential for incorporating the traffic component of ConnectiCity into your Unity project.

  1. Download ConnectiCity-TrafficModel repo
  2. Store a copy of the repo inside your local ConnectiCity-Unity repo
    1. If you are running Windows, rename the folder “ConnectiCity-TrafficModel-W” like in the picture.
    2. f you are not running Windows, just consider the path of the folder in the picture as an example
  3. Install the virtual environment and its requirements as specified in ConnectiCity-TrafficModel page
    1. If you are running Windows, run the following command to open the virtual environment after creating it venv\\Scripts\\activate and install the requirements

ConnectiCity-TrafficModel location inside the Unity project folder

ConnectiCity-TrafficModel location inside the Unity project folder